
Date: September 24th, 2024

Link: http://www.voicethread.com

VoiceThread (VT) is an interactive cloud-based application that can improve lectures by adding video, voice notes, written comments and doodling capabilities to presentation platforms (i.e. Microsoft PowerPoint). It smoothly integrates with most learning management systems - including but not limited to Brightspace - to better engage your students in the educational materials.

VT is compatible with MacOS, Windows, and mobile devices. However, the mobile device is less user friendly. Performance is optimal with FireFox or Google Chrome browsers, and less effective with Microsoft Edge. Basic features, such as viewing and participating in VoiceThread conversations, are free. By purchasing a subscription, enhanced benefits include uploading new files, commenting in a variety of different ways, and sharing with others.

Students and staff can create an account using their school emails. The software is simple and intuitive to use. However, when looking to use more advanced features, taking tutorials may be beneficial. VT offers regular workshops for users free of charge, as well as paid training courses. With a minimal amount of training, both students and educators will be able to create, comment and share resources.

Advantage and Disadvantage:

With the increase of distance education courses, VT is a great method of improving student engagement with the content and their instructors across a diverse demographic. A variety of features mentioned earlier caters to different learning preferences and strategies. Students can view videos of the instructor, listen to and read comments from classmates, and can directly respond to content at their own pace without an overload of text.

For distance education in foreign countries with different languages, VT can be an excellent resource. Lectures can be written in English, and then translated and recorded into the required language and played for the students. Therefore, viewers can enjoy the lecture in their preferred language, with a good flow and pace and the instructor, knowing the content of each slide, can follow along. 

Disadvantages of this tool include limited access to features on the free subscription. The prices associated with accessing most features creates a financial barrier, thus reducing accessibility. Additionally, VT requires additional time to prepare files, which may be challenging for busy educators lacking the time to do this.

Pedagogical functions:

VT is a strong educational tool for areas where internet access and access to computers are limited. However, with the prevalence of mobile technology and cell phones, the VT mobile app improves accessibility for students. Students can create assignments using VT by explaining a topic and sharing it with the class. Students can also then comment directly on each slide or video and add comments to share their perspective and understanding of the subject. The interactivity of VT will help keep them engaged.

As an instructor, I can post an image, picture, video or question and all students can comment or respond, thus allowing me to assess the knowledge of my students. I can choose to set the comments as hidden, allowing me to grade student responses, or I can publish them for open discussion. After grading, I would have an option to make the best response public for all students to view.

The capability for assisting with language education is immensely beneficial as students can have conversations with other students through both voice notes and text, requiring them to practice both written and verbal forms of a new language.

For students that might struggle with reading, VT provides a rich environment where lectures can be viewed through verbal delivery with the addition of visuals, doodles, and comments, allowing ease of information access.

Teaching/Training Resources:

The VT website provides several training resources and tutorials, including such as free workshops, certification training, and digital libraries, which can be accessed through: https://voicethread.com/workshops

Many educators and students have used VT for post-secondary education. Some peer-reviewed journal articles discussing the implementation and usage of VT in classroom environments are featured below.


Below is the rubric for evaluating the e-learning tool- VT

E-Learning evaluation for Voice Thread

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