
Date: September 24th, 2024

Link: http://www.kahoot.com

Kahoot is a free, game-based learning platform that aims to promote a fun and enjoyable learning experience for students. Available in any subject, language, or device, it is utilized to assess learning and encourage active recall, making it an effective tool to integrate into an educational setting. Educators can choose from already existing Kahoot’s or create and customize their own that better suits their needs. 

As a “freemium” platform, basic access is free. However, alternative paid options are provided with upgraded features and access for a more enriched experience. Kahoot’s free service permits use for non-commercial purposes only, while the paid service plan enables professional or commercial use.

The concept is quite simple: an educator creates multiple choice questions (that can have associated pictures) and four possible responses. The educator logs in and displays the Kahoot on a classroom projector or SmartBoard in the classroom, and students can join using the associated pin number. Questions appear on the screen with four possible answers displayed, and individuals or teams choose the correct answer. After everyone has responded, or the time allotted for the question has elapsed the screen will show the correct answer and leaderboard. Player ranking depends on two factors: the response was correct and the speed at which the response was entered.

The idea and concept are quite simple, an educator creates multiple choice questions (that can have associated pictures) and 4 possible responses. The educator logs in and brings the Kahoot up on the projector in the classroom or on online whiteboard with an associated pin number. Students as individuals or groups on their mobile phone enters using the pin. Questions appear on the screen with 4 possible answers displayed and individual or teams choose the correct answer. After everyone has responded (or time has elapsed) the screen will show the leader board, the ranking depends on 2 factors, if the response was correct and the speed at which the response was entered.

Advantages and disadvantages:

The platform was originally created for the K-12 system. However, with recent updates, this AI-powered tool can be used to elevate engagement with interactive questions and display student progress with reports in higher education classrooms. It can also improve the classroom dynamic and allows students to step away from lecture-heavy classes and do a fun activity with other members of the class while still improving knowledge of the subject.

One disadvantage I found when employing it in my classroom is that students who take longer to read and comprehend the question may struggle with this platform as time is a pivotal factor for performance and participation. 

Pedagogical function:

Given that it is a game-based learning platform built on multiple choice questions, it works well as an informal pre/post evaluation or as a knowledge check of a heavy subject. It allows participants to view areas of improvement before an exam, or to allow an educator to identify areas that students are still struggling with.

Kahoot is also great as an icebreaker to allow diverse groups to work together in a fun and collaborative setting. The topics are endless, and the competition brings people together. It can act as an energizer for your classroom. I have used it successfully in my college level courses and the student engagement level is quite high. Students have fun, find some competition in the activity and it reinforces key learning points.

Teaching/Training Resources:

The webpage itself has lots of directions and details about how to use Kahoot. Many educators and students have used Kahoot for post-secondary education. Some peer-reviewed journal articles discussing the implementation and usage of Kahoot in classroom environments are featured below.


Below is the rubric for evaluating the e-learning tool- Kahoot

E-Learning Tool evaluation for Kahoot

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